By Hafeedoh Balogun

Event planning made easy

Weddings are the one event that usually brings everyone together in perfect harmony, but sweet Jollof isn’t the only thing that makes a good wedding. Great entertainment also makes a good wedding.

What is wedding entertainment without a good MC aka Master of Ceremonies? These people keep the vibe of the wedding going with just their mics. A good MC ensures your event lineup goes according to plan and keeps you and your guests entertained!

We got curious about what MCs do and how they make it their job to keep the wedding halls bubbly, full of joy and laughter. So we had a chat with Engr. Ayanda Funsho, popularly known as MCFunsure, the Undisputed Premium Fun Dispenser and he gave us a run down on what it takes to MC a wedding and what couples should know before hiring an MC.

Let’s go!

How did you get into MC-ing?

I have always loved the stage and looked forward to every opportunity to own a stage. In my secondary school days, I was pretty known for my prowess during Literary and Debating activities, though I was a science student. I represented the school several times and brought back laurels. So, I would say MC-ing has always been an innate part of me.

I anchored birthday parties, church events, small social gatherings, etc., all pro bono without thinking it could be a professional path. In 2020 however, during the global pandemic lockdown, I attended an MCing Master class and learnt the trade part of the craft and some other basics, then I decided to venture professionally.

How did you know weddings were for you?

This question is quite apt. MCing is a very robust and highly versatile profession. There are different aspects to the craft, such as; compering, hosting, anchoring, MCing, etc. I pride myself as a versatile MC because I have successfully hosted different genres of events, and they were all fantastic. Socials (weddings, birthdays, burial ceremonies, etc.), Corporate (App launch, product launch, business opening, etc.), Religious (Church events, Picnics, love feasts and etc.) and sundry events(roadshows, red carpet host, etc.) are all genres I have hosted.

However, I am a romantic. So, I find hosting weddings exciting and fun. The joy I usually see on the faces of the couples and their families is an integral part of why I love MCing weddings.

Tell us what your job entails as a wedding MC/hype man?

I always tell people that MCs are usually under-appreciated for the kind of work they put in. As an MC, I am the following and more;

  • The Controller of the event
  • The Crisis manager at the event
  • The Liaison officer for the couple and their family
  • The Public Announcer
  • The Mood setter for the event
  • The Assistant Event Planner
  • The First Scapegoat for any eventuality.
  • The Master of the ceremony, in words and in deeds.

As the Hypeman (please note that this is a different service, not all MCs are necessarily Hype-men), mainly during the afterparty, when protocols become less observed and the guests are more relaxed, it is my duty to set the party in motion, I ensure that the guests are engaged on the dance floor with activities that will arouse their interests, I set up games for their participation and then hype (speak periodically, carefully arranged and spirit-lifting rhymes) them to either dance or bring out the cash.

Photo by MCFunsure

Tell us about your style in coordinating and carrying the crowd

“For people to understand you, speak their language”

The first thing I do is to find out my client’s tribe and learn, at least the salutation in their dialect. So, I start off by welcoming them to their local dialect. The result is that they see my attempt at their language as a sign of regard for them, and they warm up to me; I don’t need to ask for their attention again.

Then I always study my audiences’ energy and find a suitable way to relate with them. But, of course, every event is peculiar, so each event’s approach is usually tailor-made.

In your experience, would you say couples should give pointers to their MCs before the wedding day or just let them freestyle?

YES! Information is power for an MC. The more you know, the better you deliver. A professional MC should be spontaneous and have an acute ability to improvise on the spot, but to freestyle when correct information could have been provided is a NO.

That’s why I always do my best to attend vendor meetings with the clients. It helps significantly in understanding the peculiar needs of the clients and how best to satisfy them. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS THE GOAL, AFTER ALL.

How would you recommend finding a good MC for your wedding?

  • Referrals (To get recommendations from people who have experienced the service is a very good way to get an MC)
  • Social Media (IG especially)
  • Event Planners (They have access to a pool of trusted MCs)
  • (this site has some of the finest MCs around @mcconnectng)
  • Another fun way is to attend weddings more and observe the MCs, anyone that appeals to you, book them on the spot

What would you say is the best way to find a great MC? Why are MCs so important during weddings

MCs are to weddings(events generally) what Pilots are to aircraft. Therefore, the successful taxi-ing, take-off, cruising and landing of your events depends on your choice of MC.

Some people make the mistake of spending millions to plan their events and ignore the importance of getting and paying a professional MC; at the end of the day, they regret such actions.

You will think it is too expensive to hire a Pro MC until your “cousin/friend” MCs the event and leaves you in regret. Unless, of course, your cousin/friend is MC FUNSURE, and you paid him well.

Photo by MCFunsure

What is the process like to book your services?

To Book MC FUNSURE: It is as simple as A, B,C ;

A. Reach out to me (08038331867) or through my Instagram DM (@mcfunsure). Find out if I am free for your date and get my rate card.

B. Make payment for the date(s) - payments validate bookings.

C. Rest. And watch me Dispense Premium Fun for you and your guests.

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