What is it like working with a fabric sourcing consultant?

A fabric sourcing consultant is there to help you select the best fabric with little to no stress!. He/ she guides and advises you on the type of fabric to go for, e.g french lace, brocade, tulle, digital print etc based on the theme of your event and also budget. Also based on budget and style of the bride, your fabric sourcing consultant is there to help source for these different fabrics from different parts of the world including China, Korea, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and other countries that deal with textile manufacturing. Through the selection of your fabric, to manufacturing, to the delivery, the fabric sourcing consultant acts a middle man liasing with the manufacturers, logistics and even customs clearing to ensure desires of the customer is met

When should I ideally start sourcing for my fabrics?

Ideally, I recommend contacting your fabric consultant of choice at least 3 months before your wedding month. To give time for any slip that may occur in manufacturing and even shipping. And at the same give time for yourself and Asoebi bella’s to sew their style of choice and SLAY. The last thing you want is sourcing for your asoebi 1 month before your wedding and putting yourself under unnecessary pressure.

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How do I decide on what colour works for me?

Colour is a personal thing. As a bride, you and your husband to be need to agree on a colour of find a middlle ground so you choose what works for both of you. Now for your Asoebi, let the colours of the day as well as the colour of your outfit influence your asoebi colour. Make sure your brides maid and grooms men are complementing each other as well as the couple and make sure their colours are not overshadowing the couple.

How involved should the brides be?

Yes the Bride should be involved especially if the fabric is going to be used by the bride on her wedding day!! For asoebi, it is advisable that the bride delegates the communication between the consultant and yourself to a trusted focal point who you know understands your taste. This focal point should be able to narrow down on the numerous options given to her by the consultant and feed these narrowed down options to you to make a choice.

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