By Hafeedoh Balogun

Event planning made easy

Not many people can plan a good wedding; it may seem easy if you're an outsider looking in, but planning and executing a successful event takes effort. After the proposal, some couples start off confused and unsure of how to begin the planning process, which is why many people would recommend a wedding planner.

One common approach for Nigerians planning their weddings is asking family and friends to help plan their big day. After all, there are many decisions to be made! A common advantage of this approach is that you have vendors referred to you; sometimes, these referrals come with discounted prices for you.

Another way to plan your wedding is by hiring a professional called a wedding planner. The wedding planner's responsibilities include assisting the couple in creating a budget and managing all aspects of the wedding ceremonies. However, hiring a wedding planner comes at a cost, so some couples choose not to employ their services.

If you and your partner are struggling with deciding whether or not to hire a wedding planner, this article is a 5-point test to guide you with your decision!

Test 1: You're a busy bee

If you have a 9-5 or just entirely time-consuming work, planning a wedding might not make it to the top of your priority list. Even if it does, juggling two equally time-consuming activities would lead to burnout. Moreover, you don't want to get fired for putting your attention elsewhere.

If this first criteria checks, then ding! You may need a wedding planner.

Test 2: You are planning your wedding from another city or country

Planning a wedding can be challenging in your own city or country, but planning a wedding in another city or country has its own unique difficulties. Unfamiliarity with a city or country can make navigating local vendors and venues difficult. Planning a wedding entails a lot of coordination, and some aspects (like cake testing or venue viewing) are harder to manage when you are not on the ground.

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Test 3: Budgeting and overspending concerns

Beyond wedding planning stress, another aspect many couples tend to need professional help with is budget planning and financial strategy. You probably think, "I'm Nigerian; I don't need a budget; God has my back."

If you speak to anyone who has planned a Nigerian wedding, you'll hear 'surprises happen'. Without any planning experience, couples may not be aware of typical wedding costs, or how to create a budget, and manage a budget.

Photo by Renáta-Adrienn / Unsplash

Test 4: Too many hands want to be involved in planning

Wedding planning in Nigeria means every uncle, aunty, cousin, and in fact, every relative wants to be involved in planning. This means you have different people who want their opinions heard on how you plan the wedding. For some couples, this can be frustrating to deal with. Wedding planners can be a saving grace in situations like these, as they have experience managing similar situations and know how to diplomatically conform to the wishes and vision of the wedding couple.

Test 5: Your wedding vision is unclear

Planning a wedding can be challenging for many couples, especially when it comes to incorporating their personal visions into the overall event; this struggle is normal. However, certain elements of the wedding, like selecting the venue and decor, could overwhelm couples because they might not have a clear idea of what they want.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP / Unsplash

If at least two of these tests resonated with you, it may be a good sign that you and your partner could benefit from hiring an event planner. The decision to hire a wedding planner or not can be a daunting task for engaged couples. Some couples may take on the challenge of planning their wedding day themselves, while others may find that the commitment involved is too much to bear. Ultimately, your decision should reflect your preferences and budget. A wedding planner can be a valuable asset, providing expertise, guidance, and peace of mind throughout the planning process. Whatever decision you make, remember that your big day is about celebrating your love for each other.

Event planning made easy
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